This type of task, where both source and target are within the same database, and transformations are not overly complex, is well suited to re-writing the job into a single SQL statement that can be executed wholly within the database engine. 这种类型的作业有一个特点,即源和目标在相同的数据库中,且执行的转换并不复杂,这种作业非常适合重新将作业编写成一条可以完全在数据库引擎中执行的SQL语句。
The second type of flow control statement in Python is the while loop, which executes a block of program statements while an expression evaluates True. Python中的第二种流控制语句是while循环,它在一个表达式计算为True时执行一个程序语句块。
You need to look in the body to see if there are any super method invocations, which are a specific type of statement. 您需要查看程序体中是否有父类方法调用,它是一个特定类型的语句。
The maximum size of such LDS VSAM datasets would depend indirectly upon the type of table space you create and the parameters you specify on the CREATE statement. 这种LDSVSAM数据集的最大尺寸将间接取决于您创建的表空间的类型和您在CREATE语句上指定的参数。
The return type of the method declaration indicates in what object format the results of the SQL statement will be returned. 方法声明的返回类型表明SQL语句的结果返回什么样的对象格式。
Evaluation of the Paper Titled "Application of Tumor Type M2 Pyruvate Kinase in Diagnosis of Lung Cancer" Based on the STARD Statement 用STARD声明评价肿瘤型M2丙酮酸激酶在肺癌诊断中的应用一文
The type of locals declared in a fixed statement must be a pointer type. 在固定语句中声明的局部变量类型必须是指针类型。
Based on analyzing and evaluating current intellectual report, this paper designs a new type of intellectual capital report framework composed of main statement, enclosed statement and statement note. 本文在对目前的智力资本报告进行分析与评价的基础上,设计了一种由智力资本报告主表、表及报表附注所组成的报告框架。
With this type of transaction, a transactionally consistent view of the database is needed only for each statement in the transaction. 对于这种事务类型,只有事务中的每条语句需要数据库的事务一致视图。
JDBC is a type of Java API with execute SQL statement provide unity visit for multiple relationship database. JDBC是一种用于执行SQL语句的JAVAAPI,可为多种关系型数据库提供统一的访问接口,它由一组用Java编写的类和接口组成。
If the historic situation that some particular statement actually demonstrates is sufficiently like the type of affairs that the sentence used in making it describes, this statement can be seen as true. 如果某个陈述实际上所指示的历史事态,与用于做出该陈述的语句所描述的事态类型足够相像,该陈述就可以被看作是真的。
The integrity, repeatability and type matching of SQL statement are checked via the system. In order to display, modify, check and build SQL statement, function, expression and condition are defined as object. 系统对SQL语句进行了完整性、重复性和类型匹配等检查,并且把函数、表达式和条件作为对象,便于显示、修改、检查和生成SQL语句。
In China, The victim statement has always been an independent type of statutory evidence as the accused statement, the witness testimony and the expert evidence. 在我国,被害人陈述与犯罪嫌疑人、被告人供述和辩解、证人证言、鉴定结论一样,历来就是一种独立的法定证据种类。
However, due to the unfamiliarity of this particular type of academic writing, lots of Chinese applicants are rejected by the institution committee because of their undesired personal statement. 然而,由于对这种特殊类型的学术写作不熟悉,很多的中国学生由于糟糕的个人陈述而被录取委员会拒绝。